Owl Monitoring System

Manager Installation Manual

2. Owl Manager Installation

 2.1. Manager Installation
 2.1.1. Preparatory Steps
 2.1.2. Installing Third-Party Software Nagios Core and Plugins nagiosgraph rrdtool drraw.cgi Perl modules
 2.1.3. Installing the Owl Monitor Software Unpacking the Owl Monitor Software owl-dnswatch owl-perfdata owl-newsensor owl-transfer-mgr Data-Archiving Programs
 2.2. Modifying Configuration Files
 2.2.1. Save Files!
 2.2.2. nagios.cfg (Nagios)
 2.2.3. cgi.cfg (Nagios)
 2.2.4. resource.cfg (Nagios)
 2.2.5. share/config.inc.php (Nagios)
 2.2.6. nagiosgraph.conf (nagiosgraph)
 2.2.7. map (nagiosgraph)
 2.2.8. htpasswd.users (Apache)

This section gives installation procedures for setting up the Owl Monitoring software on manager hosts. There are two sections, an installation section and a configuration section. The installation instructions discuss software installation of Owl software and supporting third-party software packages. System configuration is also detailed in this section, but only for non-Owl-specific configuration. There are a number of Owl-specific configuration actions that must be performed and these are detailed in section 4.

The Owl manager requires Perl. You must install it on your system if it isn't already available.

2.1. Manager Installation

The basic Owl manager configuration consists of the Owl software and the Nagios monitoring system. This configuration allows for monitoring of current sensor status, but does not provide any view into past monitoring data. In order to get the historical view, especially as provided by a graphing capability, several additional software packages must be installed on the manager. Since the historical view provides a great deal of useful information, these instructions will assume that you will be installing the additional software.

It is possible (and not too difficult) to run multiple instances of the third-party software packages (e.g., Nagios, nagiosgraph) on a single host, but care must be taken when configuring, building, and installing the software. Without careful work, an existing installation may be overwritten by a later installation. These instructions assume that only one instance of each package will be installed on the manager host.

Below is a diagram of the flow of Owl sensor data on the Owl manager. The details may not make sense at this stage, but this will show how the various pieces fit together.

2.1.1. Preparatory Steps

Several actions must be taken on the manager host to prepare it for installing the required software. These steps are listed below. During the installation procedures, don't be shy about backing up things; it might not be necessary, but better safe than sorry.

2.1.2. Installing Third-Party Software

The third-party software packages should be built and installed as specified by each package. Owl-specific notes for each will be given below. While many of these packages are available as pre-built distributions, configuring and building them yourself will provide for additional control that may be useful. This includes the installation location and the user and group that will be used for executing the commands.

Nagios, along with a web server, should be installed such that they will be restarted at system boot time.

This table shows the most recent software versions that were tested with the Owl Monitor.
  Package Version Tested with Owl
 Nagios Core3.4.1
 Nagios Plugins1.4.16
 drraw.cgi2.2b2 Nagios Core and Plugins

If building Nagios Core and Nagios Plugins from source, it is recommended that the configure command be given arguments that will allow specification of the installation-path prefix, the Nagios user, and the Nagios group. A possible command line could be:
    $ ./configure --with-command-group --prefix=/owl --with-nagios-user=owl-monitor --with-nagios-group=owl-monitor

The same prefix, username, and groupname must be used when building Nagios Core and Nagios Plugins.

Multiple instances of Nagios can be installed on a single machine. This can be useful for segregating different things being monitored. However, you must be careful when doing this. In particular, even if the --prefix option was given to configure, the "make install-init" and "make install-webconf" commands will overwrite existing Nagios files. nagiosgraph

The README file for nagiosgraph contains instructions for automated installation (using install.pl) and for manual installation. You should read this file and decide which method you want to use.

If you choose the manual installation, you may skip most of this section and pick up at the discussion of the map file.

If you choose to install with install.pl, you must know that it looks like several of the steps are not performed by the script. After running install.pl you must verify that the manual steps from "Restart nagios" to the end have actually been taken.

install.pl will configure the package, install its files in the appropriate places, and modify Nagios and httpd files as needed. A variety of options allow for site-specific installation layouts. In addition, you will be prompted for many directory and file names prior to install.pl completing its work. If it can't find one or another file that it must update, then at the end of execution it will provide a set of steps that you must manually perform in order to complete the installation.

The --dry-run option will show you what install.pl would do, so that you may verify where things are being copied. It isn't required, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to use this option prior to the actual install.

One thing install.pl is likely to say is that you must add a Nagios command file. This file probably already exists, and you must find it. It is likely to be called something like commands.cfg and be located in the etc/objects directory in your Nagios installation. Check names carefully when making this modification, as commands.cfg already has a process-service-perfdata command and install.pl will have you add a process-service-perfdata-by-nagiosgraph command.

install.pl logs all its actions, including the manual-intervention actions, in the install-log file. Unfortunately, the command line is not recorded in the log file, so it might be useful to save that somewhere yourself.

I have used this command to successfully install nagiosgraph:

    $ install.pl --prefix /owl/nagiosgraph --nagios-user owl-manager --nagios-cgi-url /nagios-owl/cgi-bin \
    --nagios-perfdata-file /owl/var/service-perfdata.out --log-dir /owl/var --layout standalone
I do not let install.pl update the Nagios or Apache configurations, which it will prompt for; I prefer to make those modifications myself. Refer to the install-log file to see what remains to be done.

The README file contains steps for manual installation and it looks like several of the steps are not performed by install.pl. If you use install.pl to install nagiosgraph, verify that the manual steps from "Restart nagios" to the end have actually been taken.

You may have to manually copy the nagiosgraph.ssi file into place. This file is in .../nagiosgraph/examples/nagiosgraph.ssi and it should be copied into your equivalent of /owl/share/nagiosgraph.ssi.

Before nagiosgraph can be used by the Owl manager, the map file must be modified to recognize data from the Owl plugins for Nagios. The required modifications are discussed in section 2.2.7. rrdtool

No Owl-specific configuration or actions were required for building and installing rrdtool. drraw.cgi

To install drraw.cgi, copy the drraw.cgi and the drraw.conf files into the Nagios sbin/ directory. So, if you have installed Nagios in /owl/nagios, then you should copy the two drraw files into /owl/nagios/sbin.

The drraw.conf must be edited for this installation. Some of these edits are required and some are optional. Each will be marked as to whether or not you must make the change. This file is a Perl file, so the configuration values are set according to Perl's language rules. Perl modules

There is a set of Perl modules required by the Owl manager and the third-party software packages. Some of the software packages may install these packages themselves, but you must ensure that these are available. These should be available through CPAN.

Modules required by the Owl manager:

It is likely that some of the third-party software may require other Perl modules. The installation documentation or process should inform you of what must be installed on your system.

2.1.3. Installing the Owl Monitor Software

There is a small amount of manager-specific software in the Owl Monitor. Most of the work on the manager is performed by Nagios and the other third-party software. The Owl Monitor software on the manager host consists of two Nagios plugins that will interpret Owl sensor data for Nagios and add Owl sensor data to graphing databases. There is also a small number of administrator programs for managing the large amounts of Owl sensor data. Unpacking the Owl Monitor Software

The Owl Monitor software comes in a bzip2'd tar file. In most modern Unix systems, this can be unpacked with this command:
        $ tar xzf owl-monitor.tar.gz
This command unpacks the Owl distribution in the current directory. This can be unpacked anywhere you want, but it is a good idea to do it in the Owl manager's home directory.

Most of the Owl commands will be in the owl-manager/bin directory. These commands can stay in that directory or be moved elsewhere. If they remain in their own directory, it would be helpful to add the directory to your shell's path. owl-dnswatch

The owl-dnswatch command is a Nagios plugin that reads Owl monitoring data and reports the latest results to Nagios. Each execution of owl-dnswatch requires an Owl sensor name, a target host, a DNS server, and a DNS query type. The appropriate monitor datafile is consulted based on those inputs. The following actions must be taken to install owl-dnswatch. owl-perfdata

The owl-perfdata command is a Nagios plugin that acts as a front-end for inserting Owl monitoring data into an RRD database. These databases are used for graphing the monitoring data. The following actions must be taken to install owl-perfdata. owl-newsensor

There are a set of Nagios objects that must be created for each Owl sensor. Once the Owl manager has sensor data files in its data directory, the owl-newsensor program can be used to create these objects. The actions required for this are described in section 4.7.

No local modifications are required for owl-newsensor.

Copy owl-newsensor to a directory which will be its home. This could be anything that is convenient for you; e.g., /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, ~/mystuff, or /owl/scripts. owl-transfer-mgr

If the Owl manager transfers data from a sensor, it will use the owl-transfer-mgr to retrieve the data.

No local modifications are required for owl-newsensor. Data-Archiving Programs

The following programs assist the administrator with managing the large amount of Owl monitoring data that accumulates on the Owl manager host. These programs work together to create a two-stage archival process. It is helpful to have cron run these programs, though this is not essential.

The first stage of the archive process moves old data from the sensor's data directory to the sensor's archive directory. Data is considered old if the file's timestamp (in its name) is older than two days. This part of the data archiving should be performed once per day, depending on how frequently the sensors perform their own data archiving.

The second stage of the archive process combines a month's worth of sensor data into a single compressed tarfile. This should be performed several days after the end of the previous month.

The Owl data-archival programs assume that all sensor data are stored in a common directory and all the archived data are stored in a common directory. They will segregate data by sensor in order to prevent it from getting mixed together. For example, when handling data for the sensors dresden and kvothe, these programs might expect the following directories to exist:


This first set of programs will archive data for all the sensors that report to an Owl manager. They must be told where the sensor data are stored and where the data archive is kept.

This second set of programs will archive data for a single sensor that reports to an Owl manager. They must be told where the sensor data are stored and where the data archive is kept.

More information about each of these programs is available in their man pages.

Copy these archiving programs to a directory which will be their home. This could be anything that is convenient for you; e.g., /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, ~/mystuff, or /owl/scripts.

2.2. Modifying Configuration Files

Several files must be modified in order to provide Nagios monitoring and graphing. These files belong to Nagios, Apache, and nagiosgraph. This section describes the required modifications. These modifications do not provide any monitoring of Owl sensor data; further steps to supply that functionality will be given later.

In the basic Nagios installation, /nagios/etc holds sample configuration files, which can be modified for use.

2.2.1. Save Files!

Before starting to modify any existing file -- e.g., Nagios object files and Apache configuration files -- it would be a very good idea to make a back-up copy of the files. This will provide reference copies of the files in case they might be needed later.

2.2.2. nagios.cfg (Nagios)

This file is the primary configuration file for Nagios. There are quite a few changes that must be made to this file. The modifications listed in this section will not incorporate monitoring of Owl sensor data. That will be described in section 4.8.1.

The various configuration parameters for Nagios could be included in a small number of files, but the standard arrangement groups the parameters into separate files. The nagios.cfg file is the primary configuration file for Nagios, and at run-time it acts as the focal point to collect the disparate configuration files for the Nagios daemon.

A cfg_file line is used to tell Nagios to include the specified line. Adding or deleting these lines will control which files are included in the Nagios configuration.

As a result of the Nagios build and installation process, the nagios.cfg file should be mostly configured already. The Nagios configuration file is well-documented, so figuring out how to adjust its fields shouldn't be too difficult. There are a few things that must be done to prepare it for Owl monitoring. These directions assume that Owl monitoring is the only monitoring that will be performed by this installation.

To allow for graphing of monitoring results, several performance-processing fields must be set in nagios.cfg. Unless otherwise stated, do not include the double quotes when setting these fields.

2.2.3. cgi.cfg (Nagios)

This is the configuration file for CGI scripts run by Nagios. Most of it is set up during the Nagios configuration process. The following things must be set to ensure your installation's needs are met.

2.2.4. resource.cfg (Nagios)

Ensure USER1 points to the plugins directory. This should be something like /owl/libexec.

2.2.5. share/config.inc.php (Nagios)

Nagios uses this file to hold a small amount of file-location data. The following actions must be taken:

2.2.6. nagiosgraph.conf (nagiosgraph)

This is the configuration file for Nagiosgraph. Several settings must be checked and some Owl-specific setting copied in. The following actions must be taken:

2.2.7. map (nagiosgraph)

nagiosgraph uses a file of data definitions that describe how to extract data from Nagios plugins and how to handle the extracted data. The file is a collection of Perl expressions that are evaluated by nagiosgraph. This file is named something like /owl/nagiosgraph/etc/map.

The Owl manager distribution contains a set of additional, Owl-specific definitions that must be added to the map file. These definitions are in ng-owl-map. Copy the contents of this file into the map.

2.2.8. htpasswd.users (Apache)

Strictly speaking, this file is not a Nagios file, but is instead an httpd file. The Nagios configuration file for httpd gives the name of an htpasswd.users file. Use the htpasswd command to create and populate this file with the users that should be allowed to access the Owl monitor. These users must have their permissions defined in the Nagios cgi.cfg file.

Proceed to Section 3. An Interlude on Sensor Queries for important information about defining the queries gathered by your Owl manager.
If you have already read Section 3, you may continue on with Section 4. Adding Sensors to complete the installation of the manager.

Section 1.
Operational Overview
Owl Monitoring System
Manager Installation Manual
Section 3.
An Interlude on
Sensor Queries