Usage: /usr/local/bin/donuts [OPTIONS] FILE DOMAIN [FILE DOMAIN...] OPTIONS: Rule Set Configuration: -l INTEGER The maximum rule level to run (default = 5) Output Format Options: --show-gui Display the results in a browsable window. -v Verbose output (show extra processing information) -q Quiet output (Do not print summary information) Advanced Options: Advanced Configuration: Rules Selection Configuration: -r STRING glob pattern for rule files to load -i STRING Regular expression for rules to ignore -f STRING Extra features to turn on Configuration Files: -C Do not load personal configuration files -c STRING Use an alternate personal configuration file Extra Live Query Options: -t STRING Start tcpdump on interface STRING during run -T STRING Use tcpdump filter (default: port 53 or fragments) -o STRING Save tcpdump results to file STRING. Help Options: -R Show the rules that donuts checks -F Show available additional features of available rules. -H Show configuration tokens supported by the rules Help Options: -h Display help options -- short flags preferred --help Display help options -- long flags preferred --help-full Display all help options -- short and long --version Display the version number